Emotive Consoultation
“To have been taught by the experts to let go
Emotive Consoultation sessions offer ways to reframe confusing changes you may be experiencing recently that have made you feel disempowered, ill, or having memory lapses inside of unfamiliar seats of being. EC helps you accept what is happening in a new way and to see such symptoms as more than just a threat to your familiar self. Instead you are aided to feel how what you are experiencing may be an effect of the Yin-shift in Divine Being and your inherent soul-porosity to experience that directly. As such, the discomfort is an invitation to discover a newly emerging more authentic version of you. If so, your suffering represents something right about yourself, and not something wrong to criticize or judge.
So if you are in pain and feel lost and more confused in the last few years, this doesn’t mean you are failing, and instead actually says something positive about you for new vistas of growth. It could mean the problem is not about a lack of your effort or capacity to change, and more about revealing something greater happening to all of us in general.
What we offer in an Emotive Consoultation can thus give you a new taste of yourself and how you relate to any struggle you may be in. It can reframe how feeling itself is what is most right about you, even though you may have judged yourself that you’re wrong to feel the ways you do, that you should know better how to change, or be able to do more about what you do feel. Emotive Consoultation will thus context and help you accept your newly emergent more intense emotive self, and in most cases illuminate a clearer picture of your conflict and a more expansive picture of your soul journey as a human person, all based on emotivity as your truest essence of being. If any of this feels like it might apply to you, you can contact us for more information or schedule a Consoulation. |
“To love yourself means not to just energetically acknowledge and wade into the shallows of,
but to emotively accept, emotively own, and then emotively cherish all the feelings in all the versions of you that
don’t know how to be accept own, and cherish themselves.”
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