What makes Avraprana Hands-on Healing different than other methods?
Avraprana Hands-on Healing is based on the premise that human beings are essentially emotive beings, not energetic, mental, or physical beings. This is a radical departure of the essential nature of the human condition that affects all aspects of human life, and in this domain, hands-on healing.
Where did that idea come from in your experience?
From two sources: the simple notion that whatever the Mystery of Divine Being is, It is best characterized as some kind of universalized Love-Field within which our human lives unfold. All the great spiritual teachers over the ages have offered this, yet as a species we haven’t made the connection until now that if that’s true, as Its children or expressive progeny, we are also essentially made of the same ‘substance:’ an emotive dynamism of Love. Avraprana refers to that ‘substance’ as Eichor.
Eichor is not primarily energetic, It is the underlying implicate mystery-basis for all explicate forms of energy, including the very fabric of consciousness and its etheric and physcial expressions. And that means our soulfield, as an individual holon of the Wholon of Divine Being within which our lives and energetic pranic, chakral, and physical aspects unfold and express, is emotive in its intrinsic nature, not energetic. And the second is the experience I had following an event after spending many years in intense zen practice, after which I ‘saw’ the emotive body of human beings and its unconscious congestive patterns clairvoyently, and sensed its direct linkage to Divine Being’s Eichor-based Love-Field. After almost thirty years of investigation, that view has not been contradicted yet, and now finally other empirical and hermenuetical domains of inquiry have recently been starting to consider it. |
How does that premise change the healing work you do with people?
It means an Avrapranist treats all energetic pranic anomalies, chakral dissonances, and physcal disease with Eichor, which imparts the ability to sense, diagnose, be present with, communicate about, and then treat the deeper emotive layers of the soulfield. This then ripples outward to their downline energetic forms as they express in the pranic flow patterns and chakral body architecture, in turn washing up onto the shore of physical body dystrophy and disease. In that sense, we link the pranic-based chakral system and its dissonant expressions in the physical body to the underlying emotive body dystrophy at deeper cause for the energetic anomalies. When Eichor is directly accessed and utilized, it reminds the soulfield of its more original and natural non-dissonant state, and the healing comes from that.
What exactly do you mean when you say the emotive body?
The emotive body is the upstream source of our capacity to feel more specific downstream emotional states. It abides as the more individualized strata of our soulfield, where unconscious emotive congestion from this lifetime and others is also stored, dynamisms that are otherwise not as deeply accessable by other methods that see human beings as being essentially comprised of energy, mind, or body, and so not tuned into our actual emotive primacy of being.
Don’t most hands-on healers work with Universal Love as their basis?
In their own way, of course. But Avraprana offers that unless the holon, in the form of the healer, lives their life as essentially emotive everyday in alignment with Love-based Wholon of Divine Being and then works personally and tirelessly to access and heal unconscious personal material at cause for all the beliefs, attitudes, and values they hold and all the choices and actions based on them, they will be limited in being able to access deeper frequencies of Eichor available to healers who do live and work that way. This means those who have healed more unconscious material in ways that directly affect how deeply they can healingly work with the emotive-based energetic difficulties in others, because of how deeply they have emotively worked with the unconscious shadow aspects of themselves.
How does being able to access those deeper levels of Eichor actually help people?
An Avrapranist clairvoyently, clairaudiently, and clairsentially experiences the domain of emotive body congestion at point for pranic anaomalies, chakral dissonances, and physical diseases that bring a person to seek hands-on healing the first place. This also allows an Avrapranist to work with pranic flows, chakral characteristics, and physical disease differently than other energy-based methods.
What specific types of differences does Avraprana offer?
One aspect is the spin of the chakras, spinning pinwheels of energy where the inner personal prana of the body interacts with the outer universal prana of life. For an Avrapranist, they spin counterclockwise when looking at them from the ventral or front of the body and clockwise from the dorsal or rear of the body. That spin is imparted by the natural flow of personal prana flowing from the left foot up along the left side of the body, over the head, and down the right side of the body and out the right foot. This flow pattern makes the left side of the body in both men and women the Yin, and the right side of the body in both men and women the Yang. Other methods often see the spin moving in the other direction. Clogs in the current cause chakras to spin backward or hardly at all, causing backflows and eddies which then secondarily cause problems in the chakral and physical body systems.
An Avrapranist sees twelve basic chakral centers in the middle of the body front and back, roughly corresponding to the anus, genitals, navel, heart, throat, forehead, and top of the head, five up the front, five in the back correlating to the five in the front, one at the top of the head, and one at the perineum, the two ends of the central canal. As is generally well known, there are themes associated with each. 1st for base embodied connection to the earth, 2nd for creativity and sexuality, 3rd for personal power, 4th for giving and receiving Love with both Divine Being and other people, 5th for personal will, 6th for intuitive access to other realms of vibratory being, and 7th for access to the nondual aspects of Divine Being of God. The ventral or front of the human body relates to our more personal versions of those themes, and the dorsal or back of the body our more universal or soulful versions. |
Any other differences in Avraprana’s chakral domain?
Most other methods don’t see that chakras 1, 3, 5, and 7 are Yangic outstreaming chakras or ‘outies,’ and chakras 2, 4, and 6 are Yinic instreaming chakras, or ‘innies.’ The flow pattern of chakras 2, 4, and 6 thus move in toward the body, and 1, 3, 5, and 7 flow outwardly from the body. Sexuality, heart, and third eye themes are meant to be ‘letting into self’ Yin-type energetics, as we vulnerabilize ourselves to experience those dynamics. And connection to earth, personal power, personal will expression, and the crown aperture opening through which one empties the mental body-held sense of self, are meant to be ‘open out of the self’ yang-type energetics, as we express ourselves out into the world of experience. These Yin and Yang characteristics directly affect how a healer works with them, and if those Yin and Yang dynamics of each are not seen, it leaves room for the healer to not treat those chakras and the chakral bodies associated with them in ways that mazimize pranic, chalral, and physical health.
What exactly do you mean by the chakral bodies?
The soulfield is comprised of seven chakral bodies, only one of which is the physical, often described as the shimmering aura when seen around the head and neck. Each of the bodies correlate to each of the chakras, front and back and top and bottom, and have the same colors of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white. They are like Russian dolls, one inside of the other, with the physical body being the 1st body itself. That then represents a 3-dimensional etheric grid an Avrapranist works with when treating chakral body congestion and pranic flow distortion caused by emotive body wounds.
And lastly, an Avrapranist sees issues expressing in the head as evocative of past unaddressed emotive dynamics; issues in the torso as evocative of present unaddressed emotive dynamics, and issues from the waist down and in the pelvis and legs as evocative of how unaddresssed emotive past and present issues preclude us from walking into a future that represents our highest good in emotive-based terms. Unless we view all challenges in life in their causal emotive basis, we will be limited in how effectively we can address them and move them to a more destinal goal. |
Avraprana also talks about a new 13th chakra. What is its significance?
The thirteenth chakra has been emerging in certain emotively porous women and men since December 21st 2012, when the Yang-influenced version of Divine Being that supported Willfulness governing our personal and collective world-lines fell away, replaced by a Yin-based Aegis that is instead governed by Stillfulness. This shift has enormous ramifications for which kinds of human activity are now resonant with Divine Being and which are dissonant. It has appeared midway between chakras 3 and 4, to now help mediate translations of our more emotively mature centers of personal strength in 3rd chakra into more emotively mature centers of heartfulness feeling and expression in our 4th. Its color is turquoise or teal, and it vibrates stillfully in resonance with the Yin Aspect of Divine Being, representing a new axis for other chakras to more easily abide with the Yin-based Aegis within which our lives now unfold.
What do you see as a productive future for your work?
My wife Brie Ehret Barron and work together in session with people. Doing so allows both Yin and Yang dynamisms of activity to come to bear in what we do. One day soon we hope one day to open a clinic where over thirty years of working with the emotive body of people in many areas of application, including Avraprana, are brought more directly to more people.
Any last comments in how your overall worldview affects your hands-on healing efforts?
It has been gratifying to finally see other areas of inquiry start to wake up to the question of emotive body primacy over willful, mental, and physical aspects of our being. As the world awakens to the sacred sovereignty of emotivity as representative of our innate Love-based soulfulness, and once and for all reject the notion of negative emotions all together, we will begin to move to a more mature emoto-spiritual phase of consciousness evolution.
As we do, traditional and modern psychotherapeutic, philosophical, religious, and spiritual viewpoints will one day shift in accordance with an ‘I am emotive, therefore I am’ basis, and move past earlier ‘I think, therefore I am,’ ‘I am energy, therefore I am,’ or ‘I have a body, therefore I am’ orientations. I am proud to have dedicated my life to this premise since the 1980’s, and look forward to a groundswell of emotive primacy awareness to begin to rise in our world in alignment with the new Yin-based Aegis of Divine Being now governing our lives. |
Stace Barron
originator of Avraprana Hands-on Healing |
"The prime directive of human life is to learn
to turn our fate into our destiny.”
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